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Arte da Capa realizado para André Sampaio AfroMandinga .Produção Artistica do Musico feita por Izolag & Ananda Nahu. Pintura da Capa do Disco feita por Ananda Nahú com Tinta Acrilica em uma tela de 120 x 120 cm.
Esse é o primeiro ALBUM SOLO do musico; DESAGUOU. Executamos Identidade Visual , Capa do Disco, Poster Promocional e Ilustrações a Lapis carvão, tudo feito a mão.

Fotografia Original de João Paulo Racy , *detalhe na guitarra inspirado na fotografia do fotografo Gregory John Smith.


Album Cover Art done for musican band André Sampaio & AfroMandinga. This is the first SOLO ALBUM of the musician; Desaguou. Artistic Production of the Musician made ​​by Izolag Armeidah & Ananda Nahu. Painting of the Album Cover below made ​​by Ananda Nahu with Acrilyc Paint on a canvas, sizes 120 x 120 cm.

 We Executed Visual Identity, Disc Cover, Poster and Promotional Illustrations Lapis the coal, all done by hand.
Original photograph of John Paul Racy, detail on guitar inspired by the photography of photographer Gregory John Smith.

ananda nahu, female artist, painting, album cover art, andre sampaio e os afromandinga, cultura afro brasileira, cultura brasileira, cultura africana, cultura, cult, culture, african art, izolag firme forte records, brazilian art, new artists, modern art,
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