Global teacher Prize 2020: Ananda representa Doani em arte para Varkey Foundation
Ananda Nahu foi convidada pela Varkey Foundation para fazer uma Arte para o Global Teacher Prize 2020.

Leilão Beneficente da Artesol
A convite do curador Waldick Jatoba, Ananda esta participando do leilão virtual da Artesol onde fez uma obra exclusivamente para a...

PAPO RETO, Capa para o novo Album do Daniel Profeta!
Com uma voz marcante acompanhada de belas melodias, unidas a letras com conteúdo e refrões fortes, Daniel Profeta vem cada vez ganhando...

Exposicao Tropical Imaginario no espaco Art in progress
Ananda Nahu apresenta a exposição "Tropical Imaginário"de 22 de maio ate 12 de julho 2019 no espaço Art in Progress, no Shopping Rio...

Materia da VOGUE Brasil sobre a exposição Arte Delas, na Marina da Gloria
Em tempos sombrios para a cultura brasileira, nos quais a omissão de cuidados com a preservação do patrimônio nacional está mais em pauta...

Lançamento da nova coleção das Sandálias Ipanema, Livre dos Pes a Cabeça
Ipanema celebra a presença da mulher no grafite com programação especial na Casa Ipanema em parceria com grandes grafiteiras brasileiras....

Nikon Europe Campaign - Model meets Mural
London is internationally recognised for both its fashion credentials and vibrant street art, but what happens when you bring the two...

Bloomberg Campaign - Celebrating the awakening of black consciousness in Brazil
The most recent Brazilian census revealed that the country’s minorities, people who identify as black or mixed race, have become the...

Featured at Harpers Bazaar South Korea
Ananda Nahu was featured at the project Not Forget on Harpers Bazaar South Korea December 2017 which consists of asking one simple...

NBC television Ananda Nahu COMMERCIAL promotional video about Cleveland
Ananda Nahu and her work along with Cleveland Foundation and Cleveland Public Theatre was featured by NBC television on their new...

Channel 3: Mural project brings attention to Ohio City
http://www.wkyc.com/news/mural-project-brings-attention-to-ohio-city/349567492 Ohio City’s putting art in your face. It’s hard to miss...

The Plain Dealer - Cleveland Foundation's Creative Fusion murals brighten Ohio City's Hinget
http://www.cleveland.com/arts/index.ssf/2016/11/cleveland_foundations_creative_1.html CLEVELAND, Ohio – Large blank walls can smother a...

WALL WORKS Gallery presents: powerful / BEAUTIFUL
Ananda Nahú work will be part of a group exhibition featuring an powerful lineup of women artists on July 9th at WallWorks in the Bronx,...

A prominent street artist has brought a taste of the Copacabana to Whitley Bay with an eye-catching
A prominent street artist has brought a taste of the Copacabana to Whitley Bay with an eye-catching mural. Ananda Nahu has jetted in from...

Ananda nahu no Arte Core 2015
Arte Core. Um legítimo Festival de Arte Urbana. Mais do que um evento, Arte Core é um Festival de Arte Urbana que acontece no Museu de...